img_5532  Discovering and understanding patterns in your life is very important to your spiritual path!  

If you have ever observed how some things in your life -like romantic relationships, friendships, business endeavors, jobs, etc.- seem to end up pretty much the same way every time or that you seem to deal with pretty much the same issues over and over again, then you know what a Pattern in life feels like!

You would be surprised to know that many people go through/over the same or similar situation and issues again and again, and again, but because the ‘players’ or the ‘stage’ seem different each time, they don’t realize immediately the similarities and they don’t recognize straight away the pattern. They seem not to realize that the common denominator in all those issues and situations is …. well, them! Those situations seem to keep repeating in their lives but they don’t seem to be repeated -that exact way- in other peoples’ lives. If you belong to the first group, don’t worry no, you are not the only exception; the other ones have their own patterns too, those just happen to be different than yours.

The patterns are there to show us, teach us something about ourselves. They are there to show us what we believe and thus expect we deserve in life, what our beliefs and convictions -about that particular situation- are!

They are not here to punish us, they are here to give us an opportunity to heal and change those unloving -towards ourselves and our fellow humans- thoughts and feelings. They are an invaluable tool to help us change our lives and learn more about Who We Really Are!

So, how does one learn from them and how can one use those patterns to his/her advantage?

First, we need to observe them. Recognize the repetition/pattern.

Then, we should ask ourselves: “What do I need to believe, what do I need to think is true, in order for me to attract this kind of pattern/experience in my life?” and repeat this line of questioning again and again until we reach a reason that will feel like it hit home!

And once we identify that way the belief /conviction behind that pattern, we should then ask ourselves: “Why do I believe that? What is that idea based on? How do I know it is true?”

Most of the times just the realization of the belief, the fact that you brought it up from the subconscious to the conscious part of your brain, will also dissolve it, because most of them are not based on something that has any real merit or strong logical reasoning behind them!

For example: let’s say a woman keeps attracting men in her life who cheat. Once she realizes that that keeps happening to her specifically and not so much to most of the other women in her life, then she has recognized a pattern. If she then asks herself, what does she need to believe, think is true, for her to keep experiencing that in her life, she will eventually -and after many cycles of the same line of questioning- get to an answer like: “All men just want women for sex”, or maybe something like: “All men are liars”, and/or something similar to those. She would have then found her conviction! And she needs then to ask: Why do I believe that? What is that idea based on? How do I know it’s true, really true? If she then also realizes that she knows a lot of men who are not like that, then she will begin to -or sometimes even immediately- change that belief /fear about men in general. She will then also realize that there are a lot of men out there who would not cheat -even given the opportunity- because not all men seek just a sexual encounter with a woman but instead they seek an emotional connection with them too! If she then also starts feeling and imagining how it would be like to have a man like that in her life, the healing will be well on its way to be complete, and soon new manifestations in her life will confirm it!

The final and most rewarding step in this process is when you realize that you finally broke that pattern once and for all; in our above example that final step would be for a man like that to appear into that woman’s life and for him to stay!

Whenever I witness one of my students’ final and complete realization that they did indeed broke one of their patterns for good, the smile on their faces says it all and it is one of the most rewarding things one can see in life!  

So, what are Your patterns?

Are you ready to change them forever?!

As always, feel free to leave a comment, share this in social media, and/or use the #AskDemetra to submit a question to me!

