Discovering and understanding patterns in your life is very important to your spiritual path! If you have ever observed how some things in your life -like romantic relationships, friendships, business endeavors, jobs, etc.- seem to end up pretty much …
All feelings and emotions were meant to be felt! Since we were young, we have all -pretty much- been taught that feeling negative emotions like: fear, sadness, anger, loneliness, tiredness, boredom, jealousy, pain, etc. is not a good thing for …
Chances are you got at least one of them! No matter how you grew up or where you grew up, chances are you got at least one of them! And why are they called “Global”? Because they are convictions that …
Convictions – Beliefs- Definitions: Do they all mean the same? The human psyche and brain is truly amazing. After we are born -and even before that: while in our mother’s womb- neuroconnections are constantly formulated in our brain and …