Convictions – Beliefs- Definitions: Do they all mean the same?
The human psyche and brain is truly amazing.
After we are born -and even before that: while in our mother’s womb- neuroconnections are constantly formulated in our brain and continue to formulate throughout our lives; but the majority of them -the core/basic ones- are formulated between the ages of 0 to 5 years old.
They are unique per individual and no two people -including identical twins- are alike in this matter. Neuroconnections or neuropaths are the ways the neurons connect with each other and create paths of automatic responses of the body to some external stimuli that is of a repetitive nature. The reason being: to save time -crucial time- which our very survival might depend on and not make the brain analyze similar situations and events every time from scratch. We learn and adapt. Those automatic responses are what we call Convictions! We also call them Beliefs and/or a Belief System and/or Definitions.
So far so good! Convictions seem to be on our side! And they are, but then again they are not! A paradox! Let me explain: Some always ‘work for’ us and we call them ‘positive’ and some don’t ‘work for’ us anymore and we call those ‘negative’. But all Convictions when they were first created -at that time and under those circumstances- were the best possible responses we could have had as an individual in order to survive and experience the least pain, whether it was physical or emotional.
For example: If a child between the age of 0 to 5 years old experiences frequent fights between its parents, in order to protect itself from the stress and pain of that, it can develop an automatic response: disassociate from its environment every time emotional drama arises and instead focus more on a distraction: a game or a toy let’s say. It would then become less and less reactive to the emotional drama around it, fading it away, in order to protect itself. So this new conviction, belief, definition: “Emotional confrontation is bad, avoid it at all cost!” would be the best possible response from this child in this situation!
But the same protective mechanism would not serve at all this same individual if later on in life -let’s say he- would act in the same way every time his spouse or significant other wanted to talk about an emotional issue between the two of them. In these cases, the disassociation would not serve the individual at all and most likely would lead to a dysfunctional relationship and to a break up.
The thing with the convictions – beliefs – definitions is that once they have been formulated and ‘crystalized’ through our neuropaths, they become ‘automatic subconscious responses’, and stay as such in the subconscious, until one challenges and questions them and thus makes them conscious. Then one can actually redefine them according to one’s new needs and desires!
So if as an individual you don’t question your beliefs/convictions but you continue to perceive them as universally accepted truths and “realities of life”, as axioms that cannot -and maybe also should not- be changed, then the same mechanism/neuropath that was created to make you adapt and survive, would now make you inadaptable and thus your own “survival” -emotional and physical- in this world could now be in danger.
So, one might ask, is this a flaw in the human race? Is this a mistake made by Nature or the Creator? No, it actually works this way for a reason. A very spiritual and amazing reason that in itself can be a topic for a whole new post/blog or posts/blogs for that matter!
Let’s just say for now, that it is a wonderful tool that can help us learn Who We Really Are, and What We Are Really Doing Here on Earth and in the 4th Dimensional “reality”: All situations/events/people in our lives are just mirroring to us our inner thoughts and convictions, in order for us to see what we truly believe and if we don’t like it, to have the opportunity to change it! Our 4th dimensional “reality”, what we call our human experience, is just a “projection” of our thoughts and our emotions and thus by consciously changing the latter, we can completely change our lives!
Phrases like: “But this is true!”, “Everyone knows this is true!”, “But that’s how things are!”, “That’s how things work and have worked since forever!”, etc. are just some examples of beliefs that are so buried in your psyche that you truly come to accept them as law, as a rule of life, that cannot be changed whether you like it or not!
The good news is that if one realizes that they are just that: Beliefs, then one is able to move those thoughts from the subconscious to our conscious and then decide whether they suit his/hers current life circumstances and future desires and thus change them or not, accordingly!
This can lead to a whole new amazing way of experiencing life! And it is what makes me the happiest to do: Teach/Remind people of how it can be done!
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