Chances are you got at least one of them!
No matter how you grew up or where you grew up, chances are you got at least one of them! And why are they called “Global”? Because they are convictions that most humans -no matter which country, religion, social background, etc. they come from- have them; they just have them in various degrees of activation and combination in their subconscious. They are like global agreements amongst the entire human consciousness. We have all agreed to express some common ones because that makes us relate to each other, feel connected, feel that we are indeed part of the human family.
So, which are the most common Global Convictions?
Embrace yourselves, many of them will feel somewhat uncomfortably familiar! Keep in mind they are NOT TRUE, but many of us believe that they are, at least when it comes to us!
1) I am not good enough! I am unworthy! I am weak! I don’t deserve good things! Good things cannot happen to me!
Most of us believe that, especially every time we fail to get or accomplish something we want or we think we want.
2) No one can/will love Me! – I am unlovable!
We think that when we feel lonely, when we feel that someone rejected us, or abandoned us.
3) I am afraid there is something deeply wrong with me! I make too many mistakes and have too many failures!
It is a thought that usually holds us back from pursuing our dreams.
4) I don’t have enough! – I experience lack!
We think that especially when we compare our lives with what society’s definition of success is.
5) I cannot have it all in life! In order to get/have something I want, I’ll have to give something else up! I will have to compromise!
This is a major one. It is like we were taught that having it all is something bad and we will be punished somehow for it! So instead we need to pay a price for every good thing that comes our way.
Any of those sound familiar…?
Well, don’t feel bad! You are not alone in this! Everyone you know has at least one of those beliefs, some may express them more that others, but we can all relate to them.
Even people you think they don’t have those kinds of thoughts about themselves, they do. If you could hear what most people think during the span of a day, you would be surprised. In fact, the actual individual would be surprised to realize what he/she is thinking during the span of a day! Why? Because most of us think those thoughts in the background so to speak, of our mind, like it is background noise; “noise” that we get used to and are not really aware of, until those thoughts somehow come or are brought to the forefront of our consciousness!
Just consider the fact that during the day most of us are not aware of noises like the clock ticking or noises from the motor of our refrigerator, but once we get ready to go to sleep, and all the other noises of the day subside, then we really are all of the sudden very aware of them! But they were always there! Well, it is the same principal with the subconscious thoughts! They were always there, but we were not so aware that we were thinking them!
So were did they come from, those thoughts, those beliefs? There are many ways you can get a belief. It is always a matter of perceiving/interpreting something a certain way –especially when we are young, which is when most of our convictions are formulated- and not really a matter of whether it was or is really true or not.
When we are young, we believe everything revolves around us, so for example if at some point someone else near us got a praise and we did not, we assumed they were better than us and if it happened enough times we would then develop the “I am not good enough” belief to explain/justify the situation to ourselves, as it appeared as the most “logical” explanation at the time! We don’t realize/perceive though, that there are infinite reasons why someone would get praised and we did not: e.g. they were perceived as weaker than us and in more need of a praise, or they were praised because of favoritism and not because they were necessary better than us, etc., etc.!
The good news though, is that all of them, all of the convictions are: “Thoughts We Just Keep Thinking” and nothing more! WE are in control of our thoughts and not they of us. If we challenge those thoughts and question their validity, they are gone! As simple as that! We just have been taught not to question those ideas, those “foundations” so to speak. And we are then instructed to just built on top of them. No wonder our “creations/attempts” in life, many times – and at no fault of ours or our efforts- crumble and collapse before our eyes! The “foundations” were not solid! But because we don’t understand that at the time, and even though we don’t understand what exactly we did “wrong”, or what exactly went “wrong”, we still deem ourselves as complete and utter failures, because there is no other explanation in sight so it has -of course- to be us and our abilities: We were just not clever enough, not strong enough, not good enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not lovable, enough, just not enough, etc. Oh boy, what we do to ourselves….
But remember, darkness always disappears when you turn on the light! Because, like darkness is only the absence of light, fears/negative perceptions are only the absence of Love! Question/shed light on your definitions, and that will be the end of them!
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